In Memory

(Jun) Rufus Jones

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01/22/13 02:35 AM #1    

(Jan) Robert Mitchell

I remember Rufus Jones. I think he came from Huges Quinn Jr high,  and was a premium backfield football player. Rufus knocked me around a lot when I was on the 10th grade team. Rufus had the quailties to be division 1 A. How did he not make major football ?

 Bob Mitchell

02/23/13 10:28 AM #2    

David Midkiff

I remember Rufus as a good person to be around. We were in the same homeroom. As I remember he always seemed to have that positive outlook. Great athlete. We did have a good time at East Side High, good memories.

09/30/14 09:48 PM #3    

(Jun) Robert Gryzmala

I remember Rufus from Rock Junior High, He was a good guy and kind of watched out for the Fairmont City folks - maybe we were just a little different.  Thanks for the life experiences Rufus

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